By Lawrence A. Kogan
Washington Legal Foundation Legal Backgrounder
Vol. 24 No. 23
July 10, 2009

...The administration and the 111th Congress convey the impression that these proposals do not relate to the UNCLOS.31 Presumably, they wish to avoid a time-consuming and politically risky Senate floor debate that would reveal to an uninformed and economically weary American public the costs, as well as the putative benefits, actually associated with U.S. UNCLOS accession.
The reality, however, is that the U.S. government would be hard pressed to avoid a discussion of how the proposals discussed above, or an even more formal embrace of the ecosystem-based management precaution embodied in UNCLOS, would impair important American economic and sovereignty interests. Such obligations, being consistent with Europe’s Precautionary Principle, would require the strict and costly preservation and protection of the oceans from land, air and water-based sources of pollution within the U.S., without any need to prove or quantify the environmental benefits resulting from government regulation.

[See also Lawrence A. Kogan, What Goes Around, Comes Around: How UNCLOS Ratification Will Herald Europe’s Precautionary Principle as U.S. Law, 7 SANTA CLARA INT’L L. (June 2009), abstract available online at Social Science Research Network (SSRN) at 53, 56-97, at: ].

Two reports issued by the U.S. Joint Oceans Commission Initiative (‘JOCI’), in which former U.S. Admiral James Watkins and new CIA Director Leon Panetta likely participated as Commissioners are illustrate the Obama administration's gameplan concerning how to introduce the matter of ecosystem-based management into U.S. environmental law. An April 6, 2009 report recommended US Congressional accession to the UN Law of the Sea Convention, while a prior June 2006 JOCI report recommended changes to U.S. legislation and regulation to “[e]nable the transition toward an ecosystem-based approach”.
[An excerpt from the 2009 report, entitled, Changing Oceans, Changing World: Ocean Priorities for the Obama Administration and Congress: Recommendations from the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative, the cover of which is reproduced above, states the following:]
[An excerpt from the 2006 report, entitled,From Sea to Shining Sea: Priorities for Ocean Policy Reform, Report to the United States Senate, Joint Ocean Commission Initiative(June 2006) at p. 3).states the following:
...Management Decisions Grounded in an Ecosystem-based Approach. In carrying out a national ocean policy, we need to implement an ecosystem-based management approach that examines the links among living and nonliving resources. Instead of managing one issue or resource in isolation, we need to move toward a management approach that considers human activities, their benefits, and their potential impacts within the broader context of interconnected social, economic, and ecological factors.
A Stronger NOAA Capable of Implementing an Ecosystem-based Management Approach. Since its creation by a reorganization order in 1970, NOAA has worked to advance the understanding, management, and protection of ocean and atmospheric resources. However, the agency suffers from programmatic and functional overlaps, disconnects among current line offices, and changing organizational priorities. NOAA needs congressional action to codify the agency and thereby enhance its mission, improve its structure, and better enable it to carry out existing and new responsibilities in a manner that is consistent with ecosystem-based management." (Id., at p. 16).
For example, through language included in the reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, Congress can acknowledge that a first step toward effective ecosystem-based management of fisheries is to enable coordinated analysis of cumulative impacts of activities on fishery resources, as well as the impacts of fishing activities on other sectors, by developing guidelines for Regional Fishery Management Councils and other state and federal agencies and management entities to perform such analyses.
Likewise, through reauthorization of the CZMA, Congress can require that state coastal programs work with federal, state, and local agencies to provide for periodic assessments of the state’s natural, cultural, and economic resources, and based on those assessments, set specific, measurable goals that reflect the growing understanding of ocean and coastal environments and the need to manage growth in regions under pressure from coastal development. Congress can also direct that states redefine the landward reach of their coastal zones to include coastal watersheds, thus better enabling coastal programs to look across political boundaries and incorporate a coastal watershed focus and the basic tenets of ecosystem-based management. Statutory acknowledgement of the need to incorporate ecosystem-based management into marine resource management regimes is intended be a first step toward ecosystem-based management by enabling improved coordination and analysis among agencies managing marine resources and providing for a transition toward an integrated management approach that considers the entire ecosystem." (Id., a pp. 19-20).

UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
"This report sets out our vision for the marine environment - clean, healthy, safe, productive and biologically diverse oceans and seas. It is underpinned by the principles of sustainable development, integrated management, the conservation of biological diversity, robust science, the precautionary principle and stakeholder involvement.
It outlines how we are adopting an ecosystem-based approach to marine management to better integrate marine protection objectives with sustainable social and economic goals. It covers the broad spectrum of policies that affect the marine environment. As well as describing past achievements and progress made, it contains new ideas and initiatives to turn our vision into reality.
These include initiatives to improve marine conservation and conserve biodiversity. They will also improve our management of our marine resources and develop scientific research and involve stakeholders. Our initiatives will also streamline regulation affecting development in coastal waters whilst protecting the marine environment. The report is a valuable first step in turning our vision into reality.""...We need to use the resources and opportunities offered by our oceans and seas while protecting ecological processes and ecosystems. This is the foundation for sustainable development. We can achieve our vision by adopting an ecosystem-based management approach.
...For the UK, and our Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies, the principles that underpin our policy for the marine environment are:
• the precautionary principle – sensibly erring on the side of caution where the scientific evidence is not conclusive;" (Exec. Summ. at p. 3).
"2UNCLOS came into force in 1994. It contains a legal framework covering navigation, maritime boundaries, fisheries, the marine environment and marine scientific research. To date, 138 states are members, including the UK. We strongly support it and encourage all states to join."
"...1.17 An ecosystem-based approach to management represents a new and more strategic way of thinking. It puts the emphasis on a management regime that maintains the health of ecosystems alongside appropriate human use of the marine environment, for the benefit of current and future generations. This requires setting clear environmental objectives both at the general and specific level, basing management of the marine environment on the principles of sustainable development, integrated management, conservation of biodiversity, robust science, the precautionary principle and stakeholder involvement." (p. 7)
...1.20 Where scientific evidence is not conclusive, we need sensibly to apply the precautionary principle. This means, for example, taking preventive measures where there are reasonable grounds for concern that direct or indirect inputs to the marine environment may harm human health, living resources and marine ecosystems or other legitimate uses of the sea, even when there is no conclusive evidence of a causal relationship between the inputs and the effects. (p. 7)
1.41 This chapter has summarised our vision and the key initiatives that will help us to deliver clean, healthy, safe, productive and biologically diverse oceans and seas. It outlines how an ecosystem-based approach can deliver this goal based on the principles of sustainable development, integrated management, conservation of biodiversity, robust science, the precautionary principle and stakeholder involvement. The remainder of the report sets out in more detail what we have already achieved and how we will deliver our vision based on the initiatives summarised in this chapter. (p. 11)
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