Friday, January 18, 2008

The LOST Leviathan

Friday, November 9, 2007

This image, prepared by artist M. S. Hollis, of Wimberley, Texas, was generously donated to the ITSSD by the Good Neighbor Law (GNL) Forum located in Greeley, Colorado.

The GNL website, , provides citizens of the Rocky Mountain and Western Plains regions of the United States with updated information about how evolving international, national and state and local laws are slowly eroding their constitutionally guaranteed rights to private property.

The GNF also works with other groups to explain how Americans may protect their exclusive private property rights from unauthorized government and environmental activist group interference.

The image depicts the UN Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) leviathan bearing the seal of the UN Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, engulfing the land and business owners of the United States with outstretched tentacles bearing the flag, and by extension, the environmental laws of the European Union.

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